
  • Creative Longevity: Unveiling the Power of Tiny Daily Habits

    While enjoying Yo-Yo Ma’s NPR Tiny Desk Concert, I was struck by something he said: “It’s not painful to learn something if you do it incrementally...
  • Tiny Creative Habits for Workplace Resilience, Innovation, and Team Cohesion

    We often think of tiny habits in terms of our personal lives, but how do these habits form at work? How can we cultivate habits that nurture workpl...
  • Our Impact Radiates

    It’s incredibly moving when folks share how they have been inspired by Creative Spark. Our aim is to energize and inspire the way in which we eng...
  • What I Learned About Belonging: An Intergenerational Perspective

    In recent years, Front Porch communities embarked on an exploration of resident experience entitled Sense of Place. Creative Spark collaborated wi...
  • Creative Aging Symposium Recap: Questions for Meaningful Exploration

    A guest post by Mia Robinson Mullen, Associate Director of Strategic Initiative at Leading Age. Here are Mia's reflections on the Creative Spark's...
  • Pause for Poetry: Inspiration & Prompts

    Enjoy this guest post by Mia Robinson Mullen, Associate Director of Strategic Initiative at Leading Age. Here are Mia's reflections on the Creative...
  • Hot Button Topic

    Last month, Creative Spark presented Creating Joy at Work with the American Society on Aging conference. The room was packed, it was amazing. Every...
  • Pause for Play: Poetry Prompts

    In our annual Creative Aging Symposium, Jessica McCracken led Pause for Play, where we explored playful poetry prompts for a perspective shift. (Ho...
  • Setting Resolutions? Let's try wellbeing instead.

    A new year brings with it pressure to set resolutions, which often lead to disappointment in ourselves. Instead of setting a resolution, let's sup...
  • Technology as a Tool, Not an Intervention

    *Jetsons meme, unknown author “Those of us who are willing to rumble with vulnerability will not be threatened by the rise of the machines, becaus...
  • Embracing the Creative Pause

    The past year, I've thought a lot about 'the pause' as part of creativity. It's easy to judge ourselves when we aren't in the active development pa...
  • Navigating with a Joy Compass

    “What if instead of seeing aging as something to defeat and conquer, we were to embrace what gets better with age, and work to amplify these joys w...